SAVE The DATE!!! registration starts in June 2025
A special weekend with
Chrisandra Harris
Saturday November 1st 10 AM- 5PM and Sunday Nov. 2nd 1PM-5PM
Hillside, an Urban Sanctuary El Cerrito 1422 Navellier St.
Hillside, an Urban Sanctuary El Cerrito 1422 Navellier St.
Chrisandra has traveled the world to teach and share her passion for dance.
An empowering dance teacher, she helps everyone to find their dancing feet and dancing heart and experience the joy, wellbeing and sense of community that Circle dancing brings Her depth and breadth of experience is rare indeed! We are very excited to host her here in California for the first time! |
Chrisandra was raised in a rural and isolated environment where her first memories are dancing in the fields and with the cows. ‘Dancing was in my feet and body and the need to express myself through dance and movement was always there’.
As an adult she was forced to end her dancing life following an accident, but in 1983 discovered an accessible form of dance in circle dancing. She attended a weekend workshop with a group from Findhorn who were sharing dances from Tape 1. She says ‘It was a complete lightbulb moment. I knew within the first five minutes of the class that this was my future’.
With no local circle dance group, but already with a background in teaching dance, she began sharing the dances herself, initially with groups of friends and then with small local groups. In 1989 she established the Nottingham World Circle Dance Group which is still thriving today.
She danced for over 30 years with the amazing June Watts and hosted and took training with her. She also danced with Friedl Kloke-Eibl for over 20 years and took her training course. Chrisandra established ‘Kilikia Dances for Armenia Group’ which for many years offered dance courses, talks and performances to raise money for humanitarian projects in Armenia. She has studied Greek dance for over 30 years, dances with the local Greek community and visits Greece each year to study dance.
Many people know Chrisandra through her choreographies and her popular dancing holidays which have been to countries as diverse as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Black Sea, Corfu, Papa Nero, Istanbul, Cappadocia, Edirne, Croatia and Turkey. She values the roots of world dance and likes to enable people to experience this as close as possible to its origins.
She also travels extensively herself particularly to countries along the Old Silk Road and to India studying dance and culture. More recently she has turned her attention to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England for her collection ‘Dances from the Enchanted Isles – Dances of Community and Friendship’
Chrisandra also has an interest in using dance as ritual to mark milestone, seasons and events or explore specific themes. Her dance choreographies often reflect particular stories, experiences or aspects of the human condition.
Chrisandra travels widely to teach and loves to share her passion for dance. She was the guest teacher at the Findhorn International Festival of Dance in 2023 and is regularly a presenter on the online Centrepiece from Findhorn. An empowering dance teacher, she helps everyone to find their dancing feet and dancing heart and experience the joy, wellbeing and sense of community that dancing brings.
As an adult she was forced to end her dancing life following an accident, but in 1983 discovered an accessible form of dance in circle dancing. She attended a weekend workshop with a group from Findhorn who were sharing dances from Tape 1. She says ‘It was a complete lightbulb moment. I knew within the first five minutes of the class that this was my future’.
With no local circle dance group, but already with a background in teaching dance, she began sharing the dances herself, initially with groups of friends and then with small local groups. In 1989 she established the Nottingham World Circle Dance Group which is still thriving today.
She danced for over 30 years with the amazing June Watts and hosted and took training with her. She also danced with Friedl Kloke-Eibl for over 20 years and took her training course. Chrisandra established ‘Kilikia Dances for Armenia Group’ which for many years offered dance courses, talks and performances to raise money for humanitarian projects in Armenia. She has studied Greek dance for over 30 years, dances with the local Greek community and visits Greece each year to study dance.
Many people know Chrisandra through her choreographies and her popular dancing holidays which have been to countries as diverse as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Black Sea, Corfu, Papa Nero, Istanbul, Cappadocia, Edirne, Croatia and Turkey. She values the roots of world dance and likes to enable people to experience this as close as possible to its origins.
She also travels extensively herself particularly to countries along the Old Silk Road and to India studying dance and culture. More recently she has turned her attention to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England for her collection ‘Dances from the Enchanted Isles – Dances of Community and Friendship’
Chrisandra also has an interest in using dance as ritual to mark milestone, seasons and events or explore specific themes. Her dance choreographies often reflect particular stories, experiences or aspects of the human condition.
Chrisandra travels widely to teach and loves to share her passion for dance. She was the guest teacher at the Findhorn International Festival of Dance in 2023 and is regularly a presenter on the online Centrepiece from Findhorn. An empowering dance teacher, she helps everyone to find their dancing feet and dancing heart and experience the joy, wellbeing and sense of community that dancing brings.
Food and Hospitality
we offer tea/ coffee and snacks throughout with a mid afternoon break for tea, coffee and treats both days potluck lunch Saturday only bring something to share! |
Hillside Sanctuary
1422 Navellier St. (near Potrero), El Cerrito. |