Bay Area Circle Dance Presents
a Circle Dance Weekend facilitated by Maureen Atkins
Sacred Circle Dance helps you tap into your personal power by providing a sense of calm and grounding, balance, community, and connection.
Online Registration has Begun! Click Here!

"In these unpredictable times it is good to have something that can remind us that we do have personal power. " Maureen Atkins
"I've been a fan of Maureen 'Mo' for years - her lightness, warm teaching style and her work with dance in addiction recovery is inspiring."
Stefan Freedman
"Maureen brings Joy to the Circle!" Gwen Heckeroth
"This is such an original and timely theme. When so much in the world is uncertain and out of our control, what an opportunity to strengthen our personal empowerment" Judy Silberman
- Maureen was introduced to Sacred Circle Dance in 1993. "On my first evening at Circle Dance, one of the teachers approached me and said, 'You look like you have really found something.' Boy was she right!” Maureen quickly became a beloved teacher and has been spreading that joyful discovery ever since.
to learn more about Maureen and download her thesis click here
Saturday 1-8 PM w/Potluck Dinner! bring something to share
Sunday 1-5PM Weekend sliding scale: Full weekend, Sat. & Sun., $135-$90 Sat. only $120-$75; Sunday only not available. Click Here to Register. Space is limited so register early! For more information or questions contact Judy Silberman at [email protected] Covid safety procedures (these may change as the covid situation changes) this event is for all who are vaccinated and boosted. We urge masking indoors to protect the vulnerable among us; masking is optional while dancing out doors. We are limiting attendance to maximize well-being |
Hillside Community Church
1422 Navellier Street El Cerrito CA 94530 |