Folk Dancing Footnotes

Organized by dance names, this is an extensive collection of folk and circle dance videos, including music, multiple choreographies, dance steps, cultural notes, and opinion pieces.
Stefan and Bethan, England

Worldance is the site for Stefan and Bethan Freedman's dance workshops and events, and Stefan's delightful cat books.
In the Dance, Kevin Myers, Tennessee

Kevin Myers circle dancing pages for Knoxville, Tennessee.
Circles of Music, Judy King, England

Judy maintains a substantial stock of dance music and books that she sells online to people worldwide.
Findhorn Foundation, Scotland

The meditational and spiritual retreat centre in northern Scotland, which is the worldwide home of circle dance; regular workshops are offered.
Laura Shannon, Scotland and Greece

Laura Shannon, dancer, teacher, and dance historian, teaches at Findhorn, in Greece, and worldwide. Her site includes schedules, articles, CDs, books, and more.
Maria-Gabriele Wosien

Teacher, choreographer, writer, and scholar, Dr. Wosien was 'present at the creation' of sacred dance, with her father, Bernhard
Barbara Swetina, Scotland

Musician and teacher Barbara Swetina has lived at Findhorn since 1984, and offers workshops worldwide. CDs and booklets are downloadable on the site.